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The Co-Conspirators bring songs of protest, resistance to Port Alberni

Show will take place on Thursday, Feb. 1 at Char’s Landing
The Co-Conspirators will be performing at Char’s Landing in Port Alberni on Thursday, Feb. 1. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

The Co-Conspirators are making a stop at Char’s Landing in Port Alberni during their tour of Canada’s west coast.

They will be performing their usual blend of folk, country and general roots music at the show on Thursday, Feb. 1, but there will be lots of new material for the audience to sink their teeth into, including songs from their up-coming project War is a Racket and Other Irrefutable Truths.

This project will feature songs of protest, labour struggles and social justice. Alongside their original songs, they will be performing classic songs of protest and resistance, as well as more contemporary works by artists such as Steve Earl and Winter Wilson.

Calling on the grand tradition of social change through music, The Co-Conspirators are hoping to start a dialogue that audiences can then take away with them, to continue in their everyday lives. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. and doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Tickets are available at the Char’s Landing box office or online at