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Women in Business: Janis Joseph

Janis Joseph is a Behaviour Consultant for Fresh Steps in Port Alberni

To celebrate International Women’s Day, the Alberni Valley News will be running features on a number of women in business in Port Alberni. Janis Joseph is a Behaviour Consultant and Parenting Coach in Port Alberni.

Did you know that you are not alone struggling with challenging behaviours in your home?

Fresh Steps develops individual behaviour plans for the specific needs of your family, from anxiety and anger to communication and social emotional.

As a Behaviour Consultant, Janis Joseph will sit, chat, listen and hear your story, because we all have a story to tell. From there we will decide on the highest priority behaviour and plan goalsetting strategies to support family and child.

Fresh Steps does not come with ‘magic wand’ solutions, but we believe in working as a team to support the whole child. We work with families, schools, ministries, organizations, doctors and whomever you need to create a cohesive team.

As a Parenting Coach, whether you are single parenting or partner parenting, we can dissect the good, the bad and the ugly together to have all parents and adults in the child’s life be on the same page. Parenting never came with a guide book, so we will develop our own with patience and guidance.

Fresh Steps is by appointment only, so please give us a call, so we can begin your new path.