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LETTER: Port Alberni needs a cancer clinic

Victoria or Nanaimo are too far for cancer patients to have to travel

To the Editor,

I am a cancer patient. My first cancer I had to travel approximately three hours to Victoria, undergo three to four hours of chemotherapy, hit the “Colwood crawl” and arrive home late in the evening.

My chemo was every two weeks for six months. Then there were trips for scans, X-rays, doctors appointments and radiation. Beyond tiring for a cancer patient, and expensive too.

My second cancer now has me at the Nanaimo cancer clinic every week. Last week was five hours in one day of chemo and the week before was seven hours. My loyal friend who drives me has to find some way or place to wait out that time.

If there was a cancer clinic in Port Alberni one could be dropped off and picked up.

I was fortunate enough to have had a break in treatment when the highway fiasco at Cameron Lake took place last summer. That would have been a disaster, as I’m doing chemo in cycles. A break in the cycle means stopping and going back to the beginning. Going through this once is more than enough.

I was recently told by an oncologist that for some time they have been trying to get a cancer clinic in Port Alberni. I think the City of Port Alberni should start advocating for a cancer clinic right here.

Cancer patients are fighting for their lives and have to battle long trips on top of this. How nice it would be to drive 10 or 15 minutes, get dropped off, do your chemo and get picked up for a short ride home.

I am sure there are patients from Ucluelet and Tofino who also would be appreciative. Cancer patients must speak up.

Hazel Irg,

Port Alberni