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Questions posed in prose

Reader has some so many questions to pose and he does so in prose.

To the Editor,


“We wish for others what we have ourselves” is labour’s motto but has achieving it proved as easy as winning Canada Lotto?

Has “Each according to their need and ability” proven viability?

Google reports Canadian Auto Workers Accept contract with Ford:

“New hires drop from $24 to $20.40/hour and progression to $34 top rate lengthens from six to 10 years”: is this a golden age accord?

Is it ludicrous to impose 10-year apprenticeships for jobs on an assembly line?

Will 10 years/ indentured slavery for next generation human rights define; is the organized or rich cure, to live off the avails of the unorganized or poor?

Exodus 21, verse 7 permits selling daughters into slavery but CAW includes sons as well.

Does “one for all and all for one” only ensure seniors’ bottom lines will swell?

Ethical investment funds, workers attract but if union ethics have lacked, are youth better served by Minimum Wage and Standards Act?

If new hires appealed to Conservatives, would age discrimination be repealed?

If it doesn’t affect Ford’s bottom line, will Harper level the playing field?

For enfranchising youth, would he be nominee for man of the century or condone CAW autocracy to fracture unity and create industry aristocracy?

“Man’s inhumanity to man” existed since time began; has labour adopted this business plan?

Will these statements make me persona non grata in CLC and NDP or shall the truth set us free?

R. Frankow,

Port Alberni