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‘Tree hugger’ and proud of it

Reader is everything columnist Tom Fletcher accuses tree huggers of.

To the Editor,

I’m everything Tom Fletcher et al accuses me of: an ignorant, superstitious, fear-mongering, Dogwood-supporting tree-hugger.

I’m also a European-educated humanist. We were taught to value history, culture, beauty, and nature, not only money, science, and corporate power.

And I believe the First Nations culture and way of life are now threatened.

I have traveled enough to know first hand how unique our coastal environment is, and how fragile. The richness and diversity found here is unequalled on the planet, all 27,000 km of it.

In the name of almighty dollar, do we want to become China, where 30,000 rivers have dried up?

Or another deforested, drying and starving Africa?

A dustbowl like India?

You may contemptuously mention “Great Bear Rainforest,” but it happens to be the largest untouched rainforest in the world.

I may not live long enough to see how this fight ends, but it’s a comfort to know there are thousands of people in this province, who share my values and fears.

I bet that Elizabeth May or David Suzuki could give a few pretty powerful and undisputable scientific facts of their own, to combat the opinions of the above-mentioned gentlemen.

As for genetically modified foods (GMOs), check out what Dr. Thierry Vrain has to say.

He is a former research scientist for Agriculture Canada.

Rayana Erland,

Port Alberni