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Port Alberni celebrates all things pumpkin

Alberni Valley Food Security Society, Arrowvale Campground host pumpkin-themed events

Hundreds of local residents dropped by the pumpkin patch at Arrowvale Campground and Collins Farm during the month of October to pick their own pumpkins and enjoy a hay ride (although rides regrettably had to be cancelled on the atmospheric river weekend).

The Alberni Valley Food Security Society (AVFSS) also celebrated pumpkins at their first annual Pumpkin Festival at the Dry Creek Community Garden on Saturday, Oct. 19. There were tasty pumpkin cookies, muffins and many different types of squash.

Although the event had a somewhat soggy start, the rain stopped just in time for one resident, two-year-old Chester Patterson, to pick out a pumpkin, take out the seeds and plant a pansy in it.

Coming up, the AVFSS will be hosting a Square Dance at the Beaver Creek Community Hall on Saturday, Nov. 9 starting at 7 p.m. There will be a live four-piece band and a caller. All ages and experience are welcome to join in. Tickets are $20 at with all proceeds going towards AVFSS programs.