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WHAT'S ON: Alberni Valley events for the week of Jan. 29, 2025

Family Literacy Day returns this weekend
Community calendar. Email:

60 YEARS OF ALBERNI ARTS A retrospective exhibit at the Grove Art Gallery (7-5440 Argyle St. at Harbour Quay) celebrates the Community Arts Council of the Alberni Valley. Open during gallery hours. FMI: phone 250-724-3412.

WED. JAN. 29
FREE YOUTH NIGHT at the Alberni Valley Multiplex. Open to ages 12-18 years. Ice skating, food and beverages, Photo Booth and games and prizes. 6-8 p.m.

THU. JAN. 30
SOCIAL STUDIO AT THE GROVE GALLERY Learn the basics of drawing, painting and try your hand at live drawing with a model. For full list of workshops available, go online to or call the gallery at 250-724-3412. 

FRI. JAN. 31
ROBBIE VAN takes the stage at Char’s Landing to regale you with her rhythm, blues, jazz and wit. With special guest Don Tecson. Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 7:30 p.m. Entry by donation. 

BOOK LAUNCH at the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 293 (Victoria Quay) for Karen Poirier’s “One Thousand Days.” 1-3 p.m. Proceeds from the sale of the book will go towards the Wounded Warriors.
FAMILY LITERACY DAY at the Echo Centre (4255 Wallace St.). 10 a.m. to noon. Fun games, interactive booths, face painting, play centres, story time and take-home soup supplies. Free event.

SIP 'N SEE Fun afternoon of painting at Alberni Valley Christian Reformed Church (5033 Roger St). Reserve your seat by payment to Hilary at 250-918-5446. Cost is $50 with all proceeds going to Guatemala mission trip. Doors open at 1:15 p.m. and event begins at 1:30 p.m.

CANADIAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND meets at Abbeyfield in the downstairs meeting room at the rear entrance. 10 a.m. Featuring guest presenters from CNIB in honour of White Cane Week. FMI: contact Jenn Collette at 250-240-1738.

DEATH CAFE at the Alberni Valley United Church. 7 p.m. A safe space to talk about death and related issues. This is an activity of the Alberni Valley Hospice Society that takes place on the first Thursday of every month.

SEEDY SATURDAY at the Echo Centre (4255 Wallace Street). 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hosted by Alberni Valley Food Security Society. Informative speakers, children’s activities, a seed exchange table and plenty of vendors. FMI:
CRYSTAL AND SPIRIT FAIR at Best Western Barclay Plus Hotel, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Crystals, rocks, jewelry, intuitive readers, healers and more.

THU. FEB. 13
MAGGIE’S GETTING MARRIED opens at the Capitol Theatre. The hit romantic comedy written by Norm Foster. 7:30 p.m. Tickets available at
SOCIAL STUDIO AT THE GROVE GALLERY Learn the basics of drawing, painting and try your hand at live drawing with a model. For full list of workshops available, go online to or call the gallery at 250-724-3412. 

FRI. FEB. 14
SWEETHEART DANCE AT LEGION BR. 293 Doors open at 7:30 p.m., dancing from 8 p.m. to midnight with music by Krankee Jack. Tix: $22 per person in advance at the Legion bar during regular hours or at the door (cash only). Royal Canadian Legion Br. 293, 4680 Victoria Quay. FMI: Mary Anne, ph. 250-730-0906. 

SAT. FEB. 22
COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR fundraiser for Sage Haven Society starts at the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 293 (Victoria Quay). Check-in begins at 4 p.m. and walk starts at 5 p.m. Light meal will be served after the walk. 
ALFIE ZAPPACOSTA returns to the Rainbow Room (3752 Fourth Ave). 80s pop-rock icon will perform hits from the past as well as present repertoire. Tickets at

THU. FEB. 27
SOCIAL STUDIO AT THE GROVE GALLERY Learn the basics of drawing, painting and try your hand at live drawing with a model. For full list of workshops available, go online to or call the gallery at 250-724-3412.  

FRI. FEB. 28
ROBBIE VAN is at Char’s Landing to sing about all the many shades of love. An evening of rhythm, blues and jazzy folk. Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 7:30 p.m. Entry by donation.  

NIC FEST North Island College’s annual education and career festival is coming back. 2-5 p.m. Check out the Roger Street campus for tours, info, demos, prizes and more. Free event. 

FRI. MAR. 28
ROBBIE VAN takes the stage at Char’s Landing to sing the ways of the world in a funky, jazzy style. Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 7:30 p.m. Entry by donation.

MCLEAN MILL 10K Ridge View Health & Performance presents the annual Vancouver Island Race Association event. Starts at McLean Mill National Historic Site, 5633 Smith Rd., Port Alberni. Route and other info available online at 

• JOIN OUR WRITING COMMUNITY In Search of Happily Ever After, author Gwynne Hunt’s drop-in writing group meets the first and third Tuesday of the month from January to May, 6:45 p.m. in the upstairs lounge at the Capitol Theatre. Doors lock at 7 p.m. Free admission.
• GOLDEN OLDIES CAR CLUB meets on the first Thursday of each month upstairs at the Royal Canadian Legion Br. 293 (Victoria Quay) at 7 p.m. New members welcome. No need to have a car — just an interest in vehicles.
• WESTERN VANCOUVER ISLAND INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE CENTRE at 3250A Ninth Ave. (behind the curling club) is open to visitors Monday to Friday from 9–11 a.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tours by appointment: call 250-724-5509 to book.
• ALBERNI VALLEY PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m. in the basement room at Abbeyfield House (3839 Eighth Ave. at Redford Street). All levels of photographers welcome. Membership required. FMI: Steve or Lorna Crowshaw, 250-723-6901.
• JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP for Grades 3-7 in the Upper Clubhouse at Arrowsmith Baptist Church (4283 Glenside Rd). Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Have fun playing games, making friends and exploring faith.
• SKYSONG COMMUNITY CHOIR meets at Char’s Landing every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. Everyone welcome. ON HIATUS until February 2025.
• GRIEF CARE meets Sundays at 2 p.m. at Southside Church of the Nazarene (4190 Victoria Drive). Call 250-918-5830.
• CANADIAN COUNCIL OF THE BLIND meets at 10 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month at Abbeyfield (downstairs meeting room at the back of the building). FMI: Jenn Collette 250-240-1738.
• TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) MEETINGS Tuesdays at the Royal Canadian Legion (Victoria Quay). 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. 
• SPIRIT SQUARE FARMER’S MARKET every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at Harbour Quay.
• ALBERNI VALLEY COIN CLUB meets at 7 p.m. the third Thursday of every month in the Fir Room of Echo Centre (4255 Wallace St.). FMI: Carl ph. 250-723-9891.
• ALBERNI VALLEY ROCK AND GEM CLUB meets the first Sunday of the month, 2 p.m. at the clubhouse, 5100 Tebo Ave. (Club’s workshop is open to members Mondays 7–10 p.m. and Wednesdays 1–4 p.m. FMI: Les Bontron, 250-724-1564.
• ELECTRIC MERMAID A monthly live reading event at Char’s Landing. Last Wednesday of every month. Visit for the Zoom link for the event. Anyone who would like to read their own work can sign up at ElectricMermaidReads

About the Author: Alberni Valley News Staff

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