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Okanagan candidates question Conservatives promise of 2nd lake crossing

Okanagan candidates question Conservatives promise of 2nd lake crossing

'Promising a new crossing by 2032 is nearly impossible'
Conservative leader Rustad talks childcare, candidate no-shows in Kelowna

Conservative leader Rustad talks childcare, candidate no-shows in Kelowna

'Candidates are free to decide what they want to do in terms of how they want to fight the campaign'
B.C. Greens lay out forestry plans if elected

B.C. Greens lay out forestry plans if elected

B.C. Greens would put a stop to logging in-old growth forests
Meet Michael Humer Independent candidate for Kelowna Centre

Meet Michael Humer Independent candidate for Kelowna Centre

Meet the candidates profiles ahead to the Oct. 19 B.C. election
Meet Gavin Dew B.C. Conservative candidate for Kelowna-Mission

Meet Gavin Dew B.C. Conservative candidate for Kelowna-Mission

Meet the candidates profiles ahead to the Oct. 19 B.C. election
300 in attendance only 1 candidate shows for West Kelowna election forum

300 in attendance only 1 candidate shows for West Kelowna election forum

'In this election it’s really about choosing the best candidate to represent you'
Meet B.C. Conservative Macklin McCall for West Kelowna- Peachland

Meet B.C. Conservative Macklin McCall for West Kelowna- Peachland

Meet the candidates profiles ahead to the Oct. 19 B.C. election
Meet Bryce Tippe B.C. Green candidate for Kelowna Centre

Meet Bryce Tippe B.C. Green candidate for Kelowna Centre

Meet the candidates profiles ahead to the Oct. 19 B.C. election
Meet Kevin Kraft Independent candidate for Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream

Meet Kevin Kraft Independent candidate for Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream

Meet the candidates profiles ahead to the Oct. 19 B.C. election
Meet Tara Armstrong B.C. Conservative for Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream

Meet Tara Armstrong B.C. Conservative for Kelowna-Lake Country-Coldstream

Meet the candidates profiles ahead to the Oct. 19 B.C. election