Nanaimo might feature most of Vancouver Island's five most dangerous intersections for crashes last year, but it is Saanich that is home to its absolute worst.
ICBC released crash data from 2023 this month, and the stats show that crashes at the intersection of Douglas Street, Mackenzie Avenue and the Pat Bay Highway increased by nearly 50 per cent of the previous year, driving it to this inauspicious title.
Meanwhile, three Nanaimo intersections are among the four worst.
The old Island Highway at Rutherford Road and Mostar Road, with 73 collisions finished 2nd on the list and first in Nanaimo — a change, as in both 2021 and 2022, the Nanaimo intersection with the most crashes was the old Island Highway at Aulds Road and Hammond Bay Road.
Vancouver Island’s top 10 worst intersections (+/- from previous year):
1. Saanich: Douglas Street, Mackenzie Avenue and Patricia Bay Highway - 86 crashes (+26)
2. Nanaimo: Old Island Highway, Mostar Road and Rutherford Road - 73 (+17)
3. Nanaimo: Nanaimo Parkway at Jingle Pot Road (south) - 68 (+34)
4. Nanaimo: Old Island Highway, Aulds Road and Hammond Bay Road - 66 (-5)
5. Saanich: Blanshard Street at Saanich Road - 63 (+20)
(tie) Langford: Trans-Canada Highway, Millstream Road and Veterans Memorial Parkway - 63 (+13)
7. Victoria: Douglas Street, Gorge Road, Government Road and Hillside Avenue - 60 (+7)
8. Duncan: Trans-Canada Highway at Beverly Street - 56 (+6)
9. Nanaimo: Nanaimo Parkway at Aulds Road - 53 (+10)
(tie) Victoria: Douglas Street at Finlayson Street - 53 (+14)