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Scrumpdiddlyumtious Valley Vonka chocolate bars are back!

In the words of Willie Wonka, “Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three …” and maybe you’ll find a golden ticket inside a Valley Vonka chocolate bar!
Alberni Valley News publisher Teresa Bird opens the first Valley Vonka bar of 2021 (don’t worry: it wasn’t a winner). There are three golden tickets hidden in the bars. Will you uncover one? (SUSAN QUINN/ Alberni Valley News)

In the words of Willie Wonka, “Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three …” and maybe you’ll find a golden ticket inside a Valley Vonka chocolate bar!

Valley Vonka is the Alberni Valley News take on the Golden Ticket contest from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book (and movies!). Valley Vonka is a local fundraiser with all the proceeds raised benefitting Literacy Alberni’s Raise-A-Reader campaign.

The hard-working Oompa-Loompas at Coombs Country Candy have created 1,000 scrumpdiddlyumptious Valley Vonka chocolate bars and three of them have a golden ticket hidden inside! The three lucky people who find a golden ticket will qualify to win one of these three fabulous prizes, drawn at random:

1. A 50” 4K Ultra Hi-Def LED TV from The Brick


2. Groceries and Gas! Over $500 in gift cards for purchases at Alberni Co-op and Buy-Low Foods


3. Weekend Getaway for two to Victoria! Including two nights accommodation at the Oswego Hotel, passes for the Malahat Skywalk, Victoria Bug Zoo, Miniature World, and Royal BC Museum, plus a $150 toward travel or dining expenses.

As well, children 12 or younger are invited to enter the Valley Vonka colouring contest to win chocolate and books for a year from Coombs Country Candy and Mobius Books (awarded as 12 – $20 gift certificates from each store)! Look for the colouring page in the Alberni Valley News.

Supporting vital programs

“The Alberni Valley News has been a long-time supporter of Literacy Alberni and the Raise-A-Reader program. We first launched Valley Vonka in 2019 and it was resounding success,” says News publisher Teresa Bird. “Like other non-profits, Literacy Alberni’s funding has been impacted by the pandemic, so it is time to bring back a little Valley Vonka magic.

READ MORE: Valley Vonka raises more than $5000 for Literacy Alberni

“Literacy is vital to the health of our community. When residents can read, they engage more, feel more involved and take an active part in making our community a better place to live. Port Alberni has a high rate of illiteracy and Literacy Alberni continues to address that those challenges various programs including English as a Second Language, Senior and Adult Learner Programs, Klitsa Tutoring for students, Anti-racism Awareness and Little Libraries.”

Get your bars today

The milk and dark chocolate bars are available now for the next four weeks, or until they run out, from our sponsors (listed below) and from Alberni Valley News, Coombs Country Candy and Literacy Alberni. In 2019 the Valley Vonka bars sold out in just 3 weeks!

Suggested donation is $5. The goal is to raise $5,000 for literacy programs in the Alberni Valley. If you find a golden ticket, bring it to the Alberni Valley News office at 4918 Napier Street.

The winners will be announced Sept. 30.

This fundraiser is made possible because of local business sponsors who have generously contributed so all the proceeds from the chocolate bars can go to Literacy Alberni through Raise-A-Reader. Our thanks to RE/MAX Mid-Island, Coombs Country Candy, The Brick, Mobius Books, Flandangles, R. Anderson & Associates, Bosley’s, Jowsey’s Furniture, Alberni Colour Corner, Alberni District Co-op and Buy Low.