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Adopt a teacher; they deserve help

Teacher salaries not the real issue, says Alberni resident.

To the Editor,

With the B.C Federation of Labour 100 per cent behind B.C teachers, Minister Fassbender’s assertion that a settlement hinges on being competitive with other public sector unions is a lie.

The true issue is the same as it’s been for 40 years since I graduated: class size, composition and enough resources for special-needs students.

Who cares what others are making?

I wish these pencil-pushing bureaucrats would get over this childish “theirs is bigger than mine!” negotiating mentality and just pay teachers what their work (the shaping of our children) is worth.

In the meantime, while our dedicated teachers stand their ground for our youth, let’s all unite and Adopt a Teacher. I’m sure we’ve all got a little extra, we could at least keep ‘em all fed.

At the very least, hug a teacher today.

For they are taking a hit as they make a stand for future generations.

Liz Stonard,

Port Alberni