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BC Hydro’s behaving badly

BC Hydro is behaving like the Hitler regime of old when they sneak in while one is out and plug a smart meter into your house.

To the Editor,

BC Hydro is behaving like the Hitler regime of old when they sneak in while one is out and plug a smart meter into your house, like it or not: there is no avenue of appeal nor any choice. Soon they may have to have guns or cops with them to take care of any defiant property owners. Monopolies can do that, apparently.

If you don’t like it you get no power, hence your food goes bad, your wife on her dialysis machine dies, and you freeze in the dark, lose your job, property, go bankrupt and probably end up it jail

Can anyone out there in the legal world help us? Why can this highly controversial and highly unwanted piece of equipment be forced on us?

A monopoly should be required to offer choices, or else open up to competition. Every piece of legislation has avenues for appeal. It is part of our legal heritage: Why not BC Hydro, which is a Crown corporation?

Hydro says there is no appeal. Done is done.

BC Hydro apparently has the right to enter your property to replace its equipment according to an agreement you have to sign in order to have electricity.  I suggest they do not have the right to enter one’s property to replace equipment with equipment which is unwanted, perhaps unhealthy, perhaps an invasion of one’s privacy depending on where you stand.

I don’t believe Hitler would have wanted a smart meter due to the possibility of his brains being fried by electromagnetic waves.

If we equate our current world dictatorship of the corporation with fascism we see that the reason BC Hydro gives for the mandatory installation of the meters only reinforces the concept: they claim globalization makes it necessary.

What we all need now is a Winston Churchill.

Mike Wright,
