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Best Christmas gift is foreign aid

What better gift to give at Christmas than foreign aid, a Quebec reader says.

To the Editor,

I am asking for only one Christmas gift this year: the end of the freeze on Canada’s foreign aid.

Freezing foreign aid, such as Harper’s government did, condemns a countless number of men, women and children to suffering, disease and death. It also slows down access to education and better living for the poorest of the world.

I use the term “foreign aid” to be well understood but, in my mind, it’s not aid. It’s rather giving back to the poorest of the world a tiny part of what they were stripped of by rich countries over the years, through intimidation, military presence, destabilization, destruction of their infrastructures and freeze and seizure of their assets.

I am not rich, I did not contribute to Mr. Harper’s party and I am not either a creationist.

Nevertheless, I hope Mr. Harper won’t forget me during the Christmas period and will lift the freeze on Canadian foreign aid.

Bruno Marquis,

Gatineau, QC