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Directions fail to pass muster during tsunami

Even remote communities like Masset on Haida Gwai have “muster stations” for assembly of people escaping from earthquakes and tsunamis.

To the Editor,

Even remote communities like Masset on Haida Gwai have designated “muster stations”  for assembly of people escaping from earthquakes and  resulting tsunamis. The warning issued last Saturday saw Masset residents immediately head for the designated gathering point 10 kilometres south of the town.

Here in Port Alberni there is no gathering point stipulated for people escaping lower levels of the city. The  only instruction repeatedly issued is “head for the high ground”. A most vague order.

Warning of a tsunami rolling up the Alberni Inlet is first given by sirens audible throughout this valley. Before this happens, residents of Port Alberni should be instructed to go to a specific building on the “high ground”, such as Glenwood   Centre, where emergency response teams could direct people to shelter in one of the many large buildings on the high flats, such as the Athletic Hall or the Multiplex.

There should be a muster station location issued publicly before the “Big One” hits.

Harold Hamilton,

Port Alberni