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LETTER: Cats help with rat issue in Port Alberni

I am disappointed to read all the anti-cat letters in recent papers…

To the Editor,

I am disappointed to read all the anti-cat letters in recent papers.

Port Alberni is dealing with a proliferation of rats.

They are running through our yards with abandon. I have rat traps in my garden shed catching a couple of rats each week. I also have a cat who brings me rodents most nights, sometimes several a night.

Cats are one of the most efficient methods of rodent control and have been doing their duty for centuries. They are employed on ships, in museums and in libraries around the world to this day—for example, the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, which has 74 cats employed in rodent control.

Let the cats do their work and be glad they are on duty protecting us from the damage and disease caused by rodents.

Elizabeth Parfitt,

Port Alberni