To the Editor,
The Green Party's Elizabeth May raised some interesting and valid points in her holiday interviews regarding former Liberal finance minister and deputy PM Chrystia Freeland's surprise resignation in December.
It seems extremely selfish to do what she did, her method and her timing. At Christmas with our country already on edge over U.S. politics and money worries to not go ahead and finish her task of tabling her fall budget is bad for the country and her party.
Freeland claims it was to stop unnecessary spending. That was what a budget achieved by a consensus is about. That is how democracy works. To get the budget as far as to table it one would assume that was the path taken. Then due process of debate by all parties and final "tweaking" occurs.
A quiet private request for another discussion and vote re: leadership issues if she felt that need. That would have been more appropriate and better for her party and also for the Canadians she claims to have been protecting.
I agree with Ms. May's opinion that it seems like a front page grab with possible leadership aspirations. Anyway, it "could have, should have" been handled with more class.
It really feels like sometimes when reading the news that we are in a global kindergarten. Isn't it time for all our politicians to grow up?
Ruth John,
Port Alberni