To the Editor,
Methinks it’s about time for a new administration at our city hall and the RCMP station. The city does not effectively enforce its bylaws, e.g. “off leash dogs” are everywhere and very few of their owners “clean up” after them.
City hall has seen fit to give responsibility to the SPCA, without authority to do the job, enough personnel or adequate funding—so don’t blame our SPCA staff. The city bylaws are clear: the solution is to impose some fines.
At the RCMP station, a change of mindset is required to get a grip on the ever-increasing number of traffic violations. This is out of control. Either reassign or hire more people, perhaps employ auxiliary, reserve or retired officers.
If they can’t do their jobs, they should step aside so we can find someone who will.
R.L. (Dusty)
Port Alberni