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LETTER: ‘Point of interest’ signs missing from Port Alberni

Port Alberni used to have two ‘B.C. Stop of Interest’ signs.

To the Editor,

Port Alberni used to have two ‘B.C. Stop of Interest’ signs. Their golden letters were in a crest-like panel atop a pole. They were supplied by the B.C. government.

One was on Taylor Arm of Sproat Lake, near the Battleship Island group campsite. The signs saying that the stop is ahead are there, but the ‘G.M. Sproat: A Versatile Pioneer’ sign is gone.

The other sign, ‘B.C. Paper Manufacturing Company’ stood beside Stamp Avenue in front of Alpulp. It should be relocated to the new display of the grindstones at the foot of Roger Street (Millstone Park). It was behind the USMA building about three years ago, on the Somass River side.

Does anyone know where these signs have disappeared?

Frank Holm,

Port Alberni