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NDP misguided over poverty

NDP MLAs receive $101,859 per year, so they should at least do some research on poverty before attempting to talk about it.

To the Editor,

A British Columbia NDP MLA quotes, “B.C. has had the highest rate of child poverty in Canada for more than a decade.” How so?

In 2007, both B.C. and Manitoba were tied at 18.8 per cent.  Manitoba had the highest rates in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012.  Manitoba does have an NDP provincial government.

Also during the years of 1992 to 2000, B.C. was governed by the B.C. NDP, and the child poverty rate was never below 20 per cent.

These NDP MLAs receive a taxpayer funded salary of $101,859 per year, and at that kind of salary, one would think they would at least do some research on the topic before making propaganda  comments.

Joe Sawchuk,
