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Shame on the Alberni News

Climate change is the greatest issue of our day regardless of what Keith Sketchley says.

To the Editor,

Shame on the AV News for reaching all the way to Saanich and setting aside their 250 word policy in order to print a 274 word letter by Keith Sketchley which is nothing but a regurgitation of the meaningless flak spewed out by the multi-billion dollar, climate-change-denial industry.

They need only spread false confusion, and we may all take that as permission to not have to think about the unthinkable. The greenhouse effect is not a theory any more than gravity is a theory, it is a law of nature.

If we jump out of a third story window, we will accelerate towards the ground, whether we believe in gravity or not.

What to do about the devastation of climate-change is the great issue of our day. Whether it is happening and whether it is human-caused is a non-issue and going out of your way to publicize that propaganda, as the AV News has done, shows an eagerness to avoid the real issue: what can we do to make any kind of life possible for our children?

As Churchill warned people of Hitler’s rapid military build-up, most thought him a crank. Much easier to talk about “peace in our time.”

The millions of lives lost, needlessly, by that cowardly thinking, will be far overshadowed by the billions who have already, and will yet die, needlessly, due to the success of the denial industry in preventing any real action after 40 years of scientific certainty.

Shame on the AV News.

Stephen Fisher-Bradley,

Port Alberni