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Smart meters aren't really

Do your own research and judge the smart meter issue for yourself, one reader says.

To the Editor,

Re: Smart move?, Feb. 3 cover story.

I read your two recent articles on smart meters with the insight of having spent the last eight months researching this subject on almost a daily basis. There are hundreds of independent studies that go back decades verifying the dangers of low and very low frequency non-ionizing radiation and more new studies are being prepared almost daily.

North American levels of “acceptable radiation” are many times that of many European countries. Radiation is cumulative and there is no acceptable health limit.

With smart meters we are not given the choice of turning them off like we can a cell phone or a Wi-Fi product. We will be bombarded with whole body electromagnetic radiation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which studies show is between 100 and 160 times more than a cellular phone.

I have read the comments of uninformed individuals regarding smart meters and it is unfortunate that this conveyed lack of knowledge of this subject is being absorbed by those people who are quite often the most vulnerable. Those MS, epilepsy, heart conditions, neurological problems, or with medical devices like pacemakers and deep brain implants.

Studies have also shown that between three and six per cent of the population are EMR sensitive.

I have met these people and their lives are hell.

Please watch an excellent 58-minute video introduction to the health, safety, privacy and political issues around smart meters from a qualified individual in B.C.

Go to YouTube and type in “Face to Face with Smart Meters”. It will really open one’s eyes to the unacceptable reality that is being pushed upon us without our consent and without government oversight.

The truth is at your doorstep if you really want to protect your rights as individuals and to stop this adherence to unconscionable government dictates.

Peter Boulton,

via e-mail