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So we have another ‘beach’

If the work done creating a new beach is equal to the timber stairway already built, it will be a dandy. It could be named “Harbour Beach”

To the Editor,

Congratulations to the city administrators for  the new beach shaping up near Harbour Quay Marina. A fast working city crew has already installed a stairway beside the walk to the Mars Rambler pier. A very sturdy walkway leading to the beach below the abandoned Esso storage tanks compound.

Considerable cleanup work remains in removing petroleum absorbed in the soil after years of  leaking oil tanks.

And there are many big boulders coated with bright green growth that require cleaning or removal. Many more big rocks are visible at low tide. Only two trees remain and they are clinging to banks of  soil and lava slabs.

If the work done creating a new beach is equal to the timber stairway already built, it will be a dandy. It could be named “Harbour Beach”.

Harold Hamilton,

Port Albern