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Government should listen to message of missing-women march

Memorial marchers ask us to remember the missing women. But Canadians need to do is work to stop the cycle of violence.

Smart meters aren't really

Do your own research and judge the smart meter issue for yourself, one reader says.
Lighting the way to perfect portraits

Lighting the way to perfect portraits

Alberni photo columnist Norman Silverstone talks about lighting portraits.

The time for tough decisions has arrived in Alberni

Alberni homeowners can't afford another residential tax increase in the wake if Catalyst filing for creditor protection.

Harper's gone ot the dark side

Harper's former democratic ideals seduced by money and power.

Let the downsizing begin

In the wake of Catalyst's application for creditor protection begin the civic downsizing in Alberni, one reader says.

Sweet nothings from the Alberni mayor

Catalyst filed for bankruptcy protection and all Alberni's mayor offers is platitudes. Let's see a plan, one reader says.

SUZUKI: Science literacy is good for society

Parents shouldn't be afraid of children's questions, says David Suzuki.

Keep cool over teen angst

Fighting parents to leave the nest and fighting against the urge to leave is a delicate learning and balancing act for teens.

Alberni's civic heads still in sand over Catalyst

After Catalyst filed for creditor protection Alberni's civic budget better not expect money from them or punish residential tax pay