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Parking meters prey on vulnerable

Parking meter debacle robs Alberni reader of last poignant moment with loved one.

Facebook commenting change no guarantee

Switching to Facebook commenting doesn't guarantee anything, one reader said.

Keep the peace for Christmas

The holidays can be stressful and that's why you can't allow yourself to get stressed.
Court system close to collapse

Court system close to collapse

Drug dealers are walking free from clogged courts, while Ottawa gears up for more drug prosecutions.

Occupy problem won't go away

The Occupy movement isn't so simple, one reader says.

Props to high school students in election

The kids at Alberni District Secondary School did right by candidates in the election, one reader says.

AV News to switch to Facebook commenting

Alberni Valley News is moving away from anonymous comments on our site and instead switching to Facebook’s commenting platform on Dec.1.

Alberni election results are garbage

Alberni mayor Ken McRae was given the heave-ho over the city's switch to automated garbage pick up, one reader says.

News Views: Use your head

Proposed Concussions in Youth Sport Safety Act recognizes majority of sport-related head injuries occur in athletes younger than 20
Chilly climate for B.C. carbon plan

Chilly climate for B.C. carbon plan

B.C.’s carbon emission trading plan died last week at the age of four. No service was announced.