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Let your love grow: B.C. shops offer perfect plants for Valentine’s

Let your love grow: B.C. shops offer perfect plants for Valentine’s

If you're looking for something botanical that lasts longer than cut flowers, try these
Victoria, Gulf Island bands nominated for Junos

Victoria, Gulf Island bands nominated for Junos

Both bands have been previously nominated
You can't hurry love: speed dating grows at Vancouver Island coffee shops

You can't hurry love: speed dating grows at Vancouver Island coffee shops

For those lonely on Valentine's Day, there's still hope
Straight from the heart: a guide to Valentine's Day romance in Greater Victoria

Straight from the heart: a guide to Valentine's Day romance in Greater Victoria

Spanning Sidney, Oak Bay, Victoria and Saanich, we've got you covered
Revitalization could transform despair into hope for Victoria’s Pandora

Revitalization could transform despair into hope for Victoria’s Pandora

Upgrades are coming to Alix Goolden Performance Hall as part of a city grant, and could include a plaza co-created with Our Place Society
'I wanted to know more': New Victoria documentary uncovers African Rifles history

'I wanted to know more': New Victoria documentary uncovers African Rifles history

Mia Golden created her documentary, now available to stream along with other B.C. films, through TELUS STORYHIVE
Judge awards Island dentist $1.47M after career-altering car crash

Judge awards Island dentist $1.47M after career-altering car crash

Dr. Cameron Harris testified to experiencing numbness in several fingers years after being rear-ended at Victoria intersection
B.C. foundation aiming to change lives has Beyonce's father on board

B.C. foundation aiming to change lives has Beyonce's father on board

Change Space Foundation, which has reach in Victoria, aims to use Hollywood connections to empower non-profits
Victoria Film Fest 2025: more films, more venues, same community charm

Victoria Film Fest 2025: more films, more venues, same community charm

The lineup for the Feb. 7-16 event boasts most feature films ever in its 31-year history
Festival theft robs tree of display, Victoria family of sentimental jersey

Festival theft robs tree of display, Victoria family of sentimental jersey

The Mills family had all items from their sponsored tree taken in an after-hours theft which was caught on video