The Port Alberni Scottish Dance is hosting an open house on Monday, Sept. 19.
The first dance of the year is a social dance with dances being simple to do and beginner friendly.
During the fall session, dancers will learn and perfect their footwork as well as memorize dance formations.
The term will culminate in the Christmas Tea Dance on Nov. 26, where dancers from Comox, Parksville and Nanaimo will join those in Port Alberni.
Scottish dancing isn’t just about dancing and having fun, although that’s a big part of it.
The dancing exercises both the body and the mind.
It isn’t necessary to come to dance nights with a partner, and there is no dress code but soft-soled shoes are recommended to prevent damage to the floor.
Scottish country dancing is the traditional dancing style of the people of Scotland.
Dancers move to the sounds of fiddles and accordions and not bagpipes, which are the mark of Scottish Highland dancers.
The dance patterns have their roots in the daily persoinal and work experiences of the rural Scottish people.
The dancing has evolved, and now reflects life in Canada as well.