Spring is in the air and people are cleaning up their yard for the coming growing season. Gardening is a great way to interact more sustainably in the world, but there can be an incredible amount of plastic involved in garden clean up and starting plants, here are some tips from the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District about what gardening items can be recycled – or better yet – reused.
- Save and reuse plastic pots and trays for next year’s starts.
- Sterilize the pots prior to reuse by dipping into a bleach/water solution. Once your bleach bottle is empty, thoroughly rinse and put in your recycling cart or take to the recycling depot.
- When plastic pots or trays get to the end of their life span, rinse them, and take them to any of the recycling depots or put in curbside recycling.
- Plastic plant tags are accepted in the curbside recycling bin.
- Recycle your soil or mulch bags in the other flexible plastic section of the recycling depots. Please ensure that they are rinsed.
- Old garden hoses belong in the garbage.
- Use your organics cart for leaves, grass clippings, pinecones, and your general yard clean-up. Ensure that any invasive species are put in the garbage.
Cut yoghurt containers into strips to reuse as plant identification tags or use old venetian blinds (that are destined for the garbage). Use an appropriate No-Erase Garden Marker, so you know what varieties you have planted three months down the road. When your marker no longer works you can take it to Staples to be recycled.
Cleaning up Indoors
If you’re doing spring cleaning inside your house, remember that Port Alberni has a variety of secondhand clothing stores that accept gently used clothing, belts, shoes (in pairs, please), and other household items that are still in good condition. This is a great option for unwanted items to get a second life. A few other organizations that will accept gently used clothing and get them to people in need are the Friendship Centre, Canadian Mental Health Association and the Shelter Society.
Some textile items are truly past their usefulness for humans but before throwing these items in the garbage, please consider if they could be repurposed as rags. The Salvation Army does make up rag bags but asks that when you drop off, indicate it is for rags. Another option is considering the local SPCA as they accept old linens, sleeping bags, blankets, and towels to use at their animal shelters. Stains and discolouration are not an issue.
Protecting Wildlife
Spring is also the time of year when suddenly we can have curious and hungry critters in our yards. Our new organic green carts are certified by WildSafe BC to be bear resistant (note: not bear proof as this is unattainable!) and we can help reduce conflict with bears by securing attractants and preventing bears from becoming food-conditioned, which is a problem for animals and people. To reduce or mitigate interactions with wildlife please take extra care to ensure that your attractants are safely secured:
- Taking down your bird feeder for bear season (bears most active April to November).
- Keep pet food indoors.
- Keep your barbecue clean. Burn off food left behind and empty the grease container.
- Keep garbage, recycling, organics carts secure – indoors is best.
- If you have curbside collection, only put the containers (unclipped) curbside on the morning of collection day – never the night before. Make sure recyclables have been rinsed.
To report sightings of bears, cougars, wolves in urban areas, injured wildlife or wildlife in conflict please call the Conservation Officer Service 24/7 at
Stay in the Know with Sort’nGo!
Visit www.letsconnectacrd.ca/organics for more information about the Organics Collection Service and to ask questions. Questions about sorting and what day your collection is? Download the free Sort’nGo app from your mobile app store for Android and Apple phones. You can also check out the Facebook Page “Sort’nGo – ACRD Recycling & Organics at facebook.com/ACRD.recycles which has weekly tips and updates for the valley. If you are a community group or a local business, you can contact the ACRD to arrange for an educational presentation for how to best utilize this service.