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ELECTION 2018: Helen Robertson hopes to be ‘people’s advocate’ for Port Alberni city council

Robertson has lived in Port Alberni for 36 years and served with a variety of organizations
Helen Robertson is running for Port Alberni city council in the 2018 municipal election. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Helen Robertson is running for Port Alberni city council in the 2018 municipal election.

First, I would like to express my gratitude to Port Alberni for giving me the opportunity to contest a seat on city council for our wonderful municipality.

I have lived in Port Alberni for 36 years and served with a variety of organizations as a volunteer and employee. I have worked in the tourism industry, the hospitality industry, the forest industry and the health services in Port Alberni.

I know and love Port Alberni.

I am a common sense person with street smarts. I won’t let you down.

My top priorities include reducing crime, increasing non-tax revenue and accessing privately-owned timber lands.

I think Inspector Brian Hunter is a good addition to Port Alberni RCMP detachment. He’s smart. I will do all I can do to support him.

I want to keep taxes affordable for Port Albernians by bringing in revenue. One idea that I have is to charge a fee at the two sani-dumps that the city owns. At this time, the city does not charge for sani-dumps. This could be a new revenue stream.

Other places across BC charge for sani-dumping. When we go moose hunting in Northern BC, we stop to dump our holding tanks and replenish with fresh water. We pay $15 to do so. People that travel appreciate this convenience and don’t mind paying for it.

It would be reasonable for the city to charge $10 per visit to the sani-dump. From May through to October, that could bring in $87,500 revenue (350 RVs per week @ $10 each visit x 25 weeks). Throughout the summer, RVs, campers, and trailers are often lined up around the block at the sani-dump station beside Canadian Tire.

I would also like to waive the $16 boat launch fee to seniors. They’re retired and doing what they love. If they go fishing three times a week, that’s $48 out of their pension cheque (fixed income).

Finally, I would work with Island Timberlands LP and TimberWest forest companies to open the gates to families who want to enjoy the great outdoors surrounding Port Alberni. Lots of people love to go side-by-siding, quadding, hiking, mushroom picking, biking and more.

I am a team player and will do the job with enthusiasm and excellence. I would be your best advocate – the people’s advocate.

Please vote for me on October 20th. Thank you.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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