The City of Port Alberni is looking for feedback on its updated Official Community Plan (OCP).
The city and its consultants have created a “community vision and guiding principles” for the OCP based on public input from a survey and workshop earlier this year. Now, the project team is once again looking for community feedback before it starts drafting policies.
The draft “Vision and Touchstones” can be viewed on the city’s website at and a survey can be completed to provide input on the draft.
“The Vision and Touchstones survey is your opportunity to tell the OCP project team if there are changes needed or if you are able to support what is proposed,” the city has noted on its website.
The city has been holding a number of “pop up” engagement events around town to gather feedback. The next event will be a virtual discussion on Sept. 27. Email for more information.
The city is updating its OCP for the first time since 2007. Once complete, the OCP will help to guide planning and development based on the city’s vision and priorities for the next 20 years.