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Alberni woman sparks heat about wet toilet seat

Men's toilet seat sprinkles spark one Alberni reader to give a pees of her mind about the issue.

To the Editor,

Some of us, of a certain age, are connoisseurs of the public washroom, or “ladies/gents room”.  We thank those who provide facilities for human comfort and relief. It is greatly appreciated.

Lately however, I’ve noticed a trend to make such facilities “uni-sex”.  Now, I have nothing against my brothers, uncles or fathers, but someone isn’t paying attention.

Men stand, women sit.

When they tinkle, many men sprinkle.  When we sit, our “sitters” and the hems of our slacks get soaked.

Besides being uncomfortable, this is not very sanitary.

So I would ask our gracious “hosts”, if you have separate facilites, please leave them “as is”.  If you have already combined, please switch the signs back to “Men” and “Women”.

There are some things we just do better,  separately.

Barbara Cooper,

Port Alberni