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Bending over backwards

Proper stretching relieves back pain, one reader said.

To the Editor,

My back was sore to the point of only sitting or standing without pain.

Since both physiotherapists and chiropractors were closed for weekend, I resorted to pain tablets to stay mobile and lessen the pain. When pain decreased, I tried stretching exercises. I couldn’t do most of them at first but persisted until I could and recovered in three weeks. This was faster than in three months of a doctor’s care, 40 years ago when surgery was advised.

Since half of the back patients in Victoria hospital in the 1970s were still in pain months after operation, I declined surgery and returned to 30 years of pain-free logging, until this incident.

I’m not selling anything but only wish that someone had told me about these stretch exercises 30 years ago.

R. Frankow,

Port Alberni