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Collective voices needed

Prime Minister's dismissive answer to national inquiry over missing aboriginal women contemptible, says Alberni resident.

To the Editor,

What better example of governments’ barely concealed contemptible attitude towards Canada’s First Nations peoples than Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s dismissive response to Peter Mansbridge’s query on CBC’s ‘The National’ as to whether his government would hold a national inquiry into over 1800 missing and murdered aboriginal women across Canada.

“Not high on our radar”, was the PM’s outrageous answer.

The PM’s apology to First Nations in the House was nothing more than a sham and a part of politicking as usual.

As a 60-plus non-aboriginal woman, I strongly encourage every last Canadian aboriginal of voting age to please make a New Year resolution to exercise the best thing colonialism ever  gave them: the vote!

Nothing else would get politicians’ attention more than the prospect of the largest growing population demographic in Canada voting en masse. And what a beautiful thing that would be.

Liz Stonard,

Port Alberni

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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