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Negativity not appreciated

As time goes on things change. What worked 40 years ago is irrelevant today.

To the Editor,

Re: Label not appreciated, Letters, March 19.

I am writing in regard to a letter to the editor from Richard Berg, who apparently doesn’t like to be called out on the letters he writes weekly.

I can assure him that Mr. Grist is exactly right; also I can assure him there are many people who agree with Mr. Grist.

As time goes on things change. What worked 40 years ago is irrelevant today.

Newcomers must be stunned to see Mr. Berg’s name attached to the letters he write. I believe he is doing a disservice to this town.

Before the new mayor and council were even sworn in he was badmouthing them in the letters section.

For some reason, he apparently goes out of his way to badmouth McLean Mill and the people who make it work. He speaksas if he is an expert at everything, from highways, city accountant, tourism and parks.

I believe McLean Mill and the steam train are diamonds in the rough for this town. I was born here in 1958 as were all of my grandparents, numerous uncles and cousins. All worked in sawmilling.

My family moved to Nanaimo in 1968. At age 15 I was part of a weekend clean-up crew. Every two weeks I got a cheque for about $220, not bad for a young kid. I could buy any toy I wanted.

Quoting his final paragraph where he wishes people would place their comments somewhere, I might suggest he does the same with his next letter.

Theodore D. Schulz,

Port Alberni

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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