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Tax cuts kick debt to curb

To the Editor,

Re: Why cut taxes for the rich? (B.C. Views, Feb. 25).

I’m a senior with a defined-benefit pension plan and income splitting. I’m using the tax free saving accounts. I get a seniors’ discount on my property tax. I can defer my property tax if I want. I’m not wealthy, but comfortable.

Both the federal Conservatives and B.C. Liberals have reduced income taxes for me. Why would I disagree with their policies?

Why the concern? Only because we have grandchildren who will be paying for the privileges and lifestyle that the B.C. Liberals and Conservatives think we deserve (for votes), with borrowed government money. It’s called debt, and the B.C. Liberals have doubled it in the last decade or so.

As my Grade 11 math teacher said, ”you can pay me now, or pay me later.” “Pay me later” sounds pretty good to the privileged generation. Hope you can join up soon – while it lasts.

Phil Harrison,
