Just Putting a Round is the newest format for the 18 Hole Division. Extra scorekeeping gave golfers three points for a chip-in, two points for a one-putt, one point for a two-putt, and took two points off for a three-putt.
High scorer for Tuesday’s game was Katy Cyr, amassing 29 points. Carol Bouchard and Gayle Rhodes tied for second place with 27 points each. The concentration was intense for this and the putting pot took a hit, with very few three putts being carded.
Low gross for Tuesday’s play went to Carol Bouchard with her 95 and Leona Fowler took low net for her game.
Challenge pin holder, Ilona McLeod was challenged with the cold in a rainstorm so did not finish, but challenger B.J. Harper did, and is looking for an opponent for next Tuesday.
Speaking of next Tuesday, there will be a mixer with the ladies of the Nine-hole divisions. The game will be 18 holes with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. Sounds like a fun event!
Golf tidbits
The ringer board has lots of room left for more members to sign up. It’s good until the end of June, so get your scores in to be recognized and have a chance to win a few new balls.
The Ladies West Coast Open is fast approaching, but there is always room for more. Pick a partner for June 26 It’s a shotgun start and includes lunch and prizes.
If you have any items for door prizes please get them in to Gayle Rhodes or drop them off at the pro shop before next Tuesday.
Team Play will be playing their match at Morningstar Golf Course on June 15. Good luck to the ladies of Alberni Team.
The Zone 6 Net Tournament will be held at Comox Golf Course on Monday, July 18. Sign up now: see Teresa Cutting for applications. This is for ladies with handicaps of 18 or more.
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Micro-cart raffle and/or the Pro Lady raffle. The Pro Lady ticket may win you a spot to golf 18 holes with our pro, Bruce MacDonald, or with our assistant pro, Brian Rands.
Six names will be drawn to make up two foursomes on July 31 at the pro shop. What an opportunity for fun and great golfing instruction.
Thank you to Wendy Lukas, who so kindly came in and gave a CPR course to the lady golfers after the games last Tuesday. It was very much appreciated. You never know, it may save a life!
Nine-Hole Division
“A” Division: Kathy Toms was the winner for low gross. Pat Dahlquist had a great game and captured the low net. Julie Swaney with her accurate shots had the least amount of putts.
“B” Division: Low gross was scored by Louise Berlinski. Low net went to June Parks, who had a great game and also nabbed the pot for low putts.
See you at the mixer next week!