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Rock at the Rainbow

The Rainbow Room plays host to a pair of hard rock shows on Friday, April 10.
Shea finds his own voice on stage

Shea finds his own voice on stage

When singer-songwriter Scott Shea went on a spiritual trip to the other side of the globe, he got more than he bargained for.
See ‘For the Love of Painting’

See ‘For the Love of Painting’

A new arts exhibit, book sale and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.
New exhibit features historic silkscreens

New exhibit features historic silkscreens

The Alberni Valley Museum will be the first Vancouver Island venue to host an exhibit of the national Sampson-Matthews silkscreen prints.

Arts Council readies for Days with the Arts

A wonderful weekend of art and culture is in store April 25–26 with the purchase of a ticket for 2015 Days with the Arts.
Gold for band

Gold for band

On Feb. 26 and 27 the Grade 9 Band from ADSS went to Victoria and participated in the University of Victoria Band Festival.
The Lion The Bear The Fox prowl over to Char’s

The Lion The Bear The Fox prowl over to Char’s

The Lion The Bear The Fox will play Char’s Landing in Port Alberni, on Tuesday, March 24.

Take a gamble at Rollin

Arts exhibits and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.
Love before first sight

Love before first sight

Craig Cardiff hasn’t even been to Port Alberni yet but he’s fallen in love sight unseen.

Organ recital at Trinity Church

A new exhibit, a fashion show and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.