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Prime rhymes for garbage can times in Alberni

Port Alberni city council's policy of one garbage can per home has inspired a reader to write a poem.

City council in Alberni should support homeless initiative's location

Unless Port Alberni city council has a better idea to deal with the city's homeless issue they should support Kuu-us Crisis Society's project location, a local resident says.
Trustee who is a wit that knits has coffee with the Alberni Valley News

Trustee who is a wit that knits has coffee with the Alberni Valley News

It's been a rollercoaster ride for School District 70 trustee Rosemarie Buchanan since she arrived in Port Alberni in 1979.

Alberni city council's decision disappointing

Port Alberni city council doesn't support Kuu-us Crisis Society's transitional housing initiative on a federal property in a commercial corridor, but they might not be in a position of strength to halt it.
B.C. VIEWS: Rural voters maintain edge

B.C. VIEWS: Rural voters maintain edge

Is hiking ferry fares fair?

Expect the spectre of dramatically higher ferry fares to become a political football as both of B.C.’s major parties grope their way toward new leaders.

Port authority must step up re: coal

T he Port Alberni Port Authority, along with its predecessor, the harbour commission, has been seen as a valued part of the area’s infrastructure due to its long history of securing benefits for the town as well as the many jobs that its activities have created both directly and indirectly. However, this view may change due to the port’s recent involvement with Compliance Coal.

When is marriage past the point of no return?

One time in a land far away, a client asked me if I could help her save her 15-year marriage. Her husband was threatening to leave her, was stonewalling and was generally emotionally cold, but she said he was willing to see me.

Water at ADSS; I told you so

To the Editor,

Sled dog shock goes deeper

The shocking story of 100 sled dogs being shot execution-style after the Olympic Games in Whistler last year is attracting world-wide attention.