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Pack a healthy lunch and save some green

Brown bagging your lunch for work or school is an excellent way to keep your food budget and waistline on track.

Recreational halibut closure unfair to local operators

Oak Bay Marine Group spokesperson calls out Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Our take: Real issues get lost in teachers deal posturing

We say: Talks should focus on education, not labour

Foghorn logic still puzzles

The issue of lighthouses and boat navigational aids is still foggy, one reader says.

Litterbugs should stop and think

One reader says he is dismayed at the garbage people throw out of their car windows

BC ripe for new political party

There's people who don't like the Libs of the NDP, so the alternative is a new political party, one reader says.

The real cost of having an extramarital affair

People still resort to infidelity as the excuse, often unconscious, to end a difficult relationship. Many couples, however, choose to stay together after one or both has been unfaithful.

EDITORIAL: HST results bad for Liberals

Alberni arts event to raise money

A small group of people in Alberni is coming together to present a special fund raising concert for the Rollin Art Centre.

Racer storms over Thunder in the Valley

Car racer and former Alberni resident Mark Super isn't pleased with not being able to race in the venerable event earlier this month.